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I’m a Work in Progress

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


I’m not the same person I was ten years ago. I have changed in many ways. I have changed physically, emotionally and spiritually. And I will continue changing, learning and growing as long as I live.


I’ll always be an unfinished product – a work in progress!


According to Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, ‘The only constant in life is change.


The old Greek and Roman teachings resonate with me. They provide brilliant insights and practical ideas for navigating the challenges of modern life. I have learned so much about myself through ancient wisdom, both personally and professionally.


When I was working in prison, I spent some time in the juvenile offenders’ unit. These young men ‘knew-it-all’. They had it all figured out. They were convinced that they were experts at everything.


  • ‘Yeah, I know’ I heard when we explored the dangers associated with engaging in risky behaviour
  • ‘Yeah, I know’ was the usual reply when we talked about the negative consequences of their actions  
  • ‘Yeah, I know what to do' they responded dismissively when we discussed the benefits of making better choices 


But did they know it all?


No. They were on a journey of self-discovery. Trying to find their place in the world. Making mistakes. Wrong decisions. Sometimes with terrible consequences.


They were a work in progress, with so much to learn. Just like me. And you. We are all just a work in progress. We are constantly evolving as we move through life.


The more I learn, the more I realise how very little I actually know. There’s no end to learning. In life, there’s no finish line.


I’ll leave you with another beautiful quote by Seneca, an influential Roman intellectual…


‘As long as you live, keep learning how to live’


Eila Mikkonen

Counsellor, Clinical Supervisor & Mental Fitness Facilitator