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Addiction, Dreams and Nightmares

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  We often associate addiction with drugs, alcohol, or smoking. But addiction and addictive behaviours come in many forms.   Internet, phone, computer...

In a Rush to Go Nowhere

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  Why are people in such a hurry?   Even when there’s no real urgency, people seem to be rushing. Yes, there may be occasions when we need to act fast....

Do You Notice the World Around You?

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  Or are you rushing from one thing to the next? Constantly moving – physically and mentally. Is your mind constantly racing? Are you focused on yourself, your thoughts and...

Are You Reacting or Responding?

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  Have you ever thought “Oh no, I probably shouldn't have said that?"   You are not alone.   We all have said something we didn’t mean. We all have done something...

The Power of Human Energy

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  Quantum physics tells us that everything is energy ... you, me and the world around us.   How is this related to wellbeing?   Simply, emotions and feelings are...

Are You in Prison?

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  No prison is a pleasant place. I know, I’ve worked in many…and seen things most people will never see. Sadly, many people live their entire lives trapped in another type of ...

Do You Keep Your Emotions in a Box?

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  I have worked in prisons… and heard lots of stories. Stories about relationships, regret, survival, abuse, violence, drugs and death. But there is one story I will never for...

Power Up Your Intuitive Intelligence

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  When you make a decision, do you carefully analyse the problem and rely on hard evidence? What if you don’t have time to engage in conscious contemplation and analysis,...

Watch Out! Don’t Catch a Bad Mood

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  Would you be surprised if I told you that your own mood - both good and bad – is often influenced by the mood of others? For example, when you are around positive people,...

The Importance of Mental Fitness - Do You Have SISU?

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  How is your mental fitness?   Are you generally happy and bounce back quickly from a negative comment, a stuff up or failure? Or do you find it hard to let go, forgive...