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Do You Notice the World Around You?

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


Or are you rushing from one thing to the next? Constantly moving – physically and mentally. Is your mind constantly racing? Are you focused on yourself, your thoughts and your problems? Are you constantly worrying about what others think of you?


Over time, all that negative energy starts to affect your wellbeing, leaving you drained and mentally fatigued.


Often, people aren’t aware of what’s happening around them. It’s a human tendency to always rush.


Many studies have shown that interacting with the world around us can reduce stress, balance the nervous system, re-energise and increase pleasant feelings.


When was the last time YOU stopped juggling multiple responsibilities simultaneously and stepped away from the daily grind? 


Get out of your “bubble” and look for those things beyond the usual.


Every now and then, stop what you are doing and notice the many wonders that surround you. I know, it’s hard to slow down in a busy world but you can pause, even briefly, anywhere and anytime.


Set yourself an intention to be more mindful of others and your surroundings this week. Write your intention down on paper and put it somewhere you can see it often, for example, a sticky note on your bathroom mirror.


Here are three tips to get you started:


  • Pay attention – Notice the seemingly small things around you with fresh eyes. Try and find beauty in the ordinary and in the unexpected. Use all your senses. What do you see, hear, feel or taste? A smile from a stranger. The sound of a child laughing? The wind on your face? The taste of a red, crispy apple? The benefits of paying attention are huge. You start to see a different side of things. You start noticing when you’re doing things on autopilot.


  • Listen intentionally – Next time you’re in a conversation, make a conscious effort to listen intentionally. Completely focus on the person who is speaking instead of being caught up in your own mental dialogue. Don’t think about what you want to say next. Don’t interrupt with your own thoughts and ideas before they finish their sentence. Really listen to them. Notice their words, the sound of their voice, body language, energy and emotions. It’s amazing how much you learn about other people when you take the time to listen.


  • Compliment someone – Say something complimentary to a friend or co-worker. Compliment a stranger who has been helpful. Compliments create positive energy and benefit the giver and the receiver. It’s important to be sincere when giving a compliment. By giving a compliment, you can literally make someone’s day. Sometimes, a genuine compliment can stay with a person forever. So, go out and give some compliments today!


As a counsellor, I have worked in many interesting and challenging places, including prisons. Prison work taught me a lot. I enjoyed the work and learned so much more than I ever expected. Often, by simply observing and paying close attention to my surroundings, inmates and staff.


I transferred this learning beyond the prison walls. I learned how important it is to pay attention to the world around me, no matter where I am… in a prison or in a shopping centre.


But you don’t have to be in a prison environment to slow down, pause and start paying more attention to your surroundings – you can do it anywhere and anytime.


Becoming more aware of the world around you will take time and practice. So, be patient and kind with yourself.


But the more you practice, the easier it will become… and the more you will benefit from it!


Eila Mikkonen

Counsellor, Coach & Mental Fitness Facilitator