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The Power of Human Energy

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


Quantum physics tells us that everything is energy ... you, me and the world around us.


How is this related to wellbeing?


Simply, emotions and feelings are energy. Every interaction we have with another human being is an energy exchange, positive or negative. When we are around a happy, uplifting person we feel good. On the other hand, when we are around someone who is in a bad mood, we feel drained. While we may not be consciously aware of different energies, energy is contagious. We must, therefore, create and maintain a healthy energetic barrier.


As a counsellor, I work with people’s emotions – joy, excitement, sadness, unhappiness, fear, anger, shame, sorrow… there is a full spectrum of human emotions. When I meet with clients, there is a sharing of personal information as well as sharing of energy. I easily pick up the energies of others and feel what they are feeling. It can be exhausting to connect with people on a highly emotional level, but with proper tools and techniques, I maintain my own emotional stability and wellbeing.


I have done a lot of work in prisons. Often, I felt the negative energy of the place all around me. As I walked through the heavy steel gates, I could feel the sadness and pain of the inmates. Being a prison counsellor is not a job for the faint-hearted. But I loved it. I wasn’t there to judge anyone. My role was to help inmates make positive changes in their lives. I tried to make a difference, one person at a time.


I heard many stories… stories of crime and stories of suffering. I met with men who had been convicted of cruel, violent and sickening crimes. I met with men who had experienced abuse, aggression and violence at the hands of others. I learned a lot from men behind bars. I learned a lot about myself.  And I learned how to interact with others without taking on their negative emotions.


Have YOU ever noticed how some people uplift and inspire you while others leave you feeling angry and miserable?


If not, start improving your self-awareness. Become aware of your energy. Simply observe your energy throughout the day. Really pay attention to what nourishes your energy and what depletes your energy. You absorb energy from other people, places and different environments. Also consider how others are responding to your energy in different situations. Reflect on your energy often and be conscious of how it ripples out into the lives of others.


Of course, it’s not possible to avoid negativity all the time. Learn how to protect your energy. Protecting your space and energy is crucial for your mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing.


Balance and ground yourself by setting healthy boundaries. Visualise a protective energy bubble around you. Respond - don’t react - to other people’s bad moods. Stay calm and remain detached. Avoid eye contact and look away when in a conversation with a person whose vibrations are negative. Try and change the subject and talk about something positive. Limit your contact with them. Learn to say “no”. Recharge with mini-breaks throughout the day. Make sure you get enough alone time to rest and recuperate. Spend time in nature. There are so many wonderful ways to protect and cleanse your energy.


So, energy really matters. And understanding the world from an energetic perspective is so powerful. When we make a connection to the energy within and around us, we feel more “in sync” with our lives.


I hope you learned something you might be able to apply to your own life.


Would you like to learn more? Get in touch today.