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What Kind of Leader Are You?

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


Let me start with a simple question...

Are you a courageous leader?

Or do you just go along with things instead of challenging the status quo?


Too often, leaders operate within their comfort zones and lack the courage to go against the grain. They use fear and intimidation to get the work done. Many struggle with low self-confidence and insecurity. But it's very hard for leaders to inspire courage in others if they can’t act with courage themselves. Quite simply – as a leader, you can’t give what you don’t have.


Now more than ever, we need leaders who can adapt to change. With the current coronavirus pandemic, employees look to leaders for guidance through this highly stressful, uncertain situation – they look to leaders who are able to act courageously!


Although there is no manual to help leaders become better at their roles, courage is something that can be developed. Courage is just like a muscle – the more you use it, the stronger it gets.


Are YOU a courageous leader?


Here are some things to consider:


Be confident in who you are –

Leaders with a positive self-image value themselves. This is really important because the way you feel about yourself, guides the way you perform as a leader. When you like and respect yourself, you perform better. So have the courage to be yourself. But don't let your ego get in the way. Ego-driven leadership often leads to a negative working environment.


Make yourself approachable –

Courageous leaders are down-to-earth, humble and smart. They have the ability to connect with people. Far too often, I see leaders hide their emotions in an attempt to stay in control and look strong. People are not machines so be human and treat your employees like human beings. As a courageous leader, you CAN lead with empathy and express genuine emotion.


Sharpen your interpersonal skills –

Courageous leaders have a mix of both hard (technical) and soft (interpersonal) skills. Unfortunately, the importance of soft skills is often undervalued. Over the years, I have seen many leaders and managers make the mistake of prioritising hard skills above anything else. Be willing to show kindness and empathy. Soft skills make the difference between an average leader and a great one. It's the leaders who show compassion who are the most admired.


Be inspirational –

Be willing to try new things and take calculated risks. Challenge old assumptions. Courageous leaders know how to get the best out of people. They are firm but fair and provide the team with optimism and positive energy.


Find a mentor –

Being a leader can be stressful. You need to be open to learning from others. You might not feel like the most courageous leader, but courage can be developed. The benefits of having a mentor are huge, from increased self-confidence and job satisfaction to better self-esteem and overall wellbeing. Look for someone who is enthusiastic and excited to share their knowledge with you. Someone who can push you outside of your comfort zone.


Practise self-care –

I often hear from leaders that they don’t have time for self-care. But you NEED to take care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. You perform better AND you set a good example for your team members too. Courageous leaders are great role-models.


So, do you think you are a courageous leader?


If not, what do you need to do to start growing YOUR courageous leadership muscle?