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Why SISU Matters

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


One of the lessons I have learned as a mental health professional is that resilience and wellbeing are linked.

People with higher levels of resilience experience higher levels of mental wellbeing.


If YOU want to become more resilient, there are lots of ways to do it.


Have you thought about SISU?


With SISU mindset, you can turn challenges into opportunities, each and every day! You learn to see every disappointment as a blessing in disguise. You see things from a positive perspective.


SISU gives you the drive needed to become who you want to be. It helps you to go the extra mile to achieve better things. You are more likely to see situations as opportunities, instead of problems, or disasters.


SISU helps you to be prepared. Preparation is a requirement for success. A presentation, meeting, job interview, new business or holiday… prepare as much as you can – a job well prepared is a job half done. And prepare for the unexpected too. Make a list of things that could go wrong. No, it doesn’t mean that you’re expecting failure. It just means that you’re prepared for no matter what happens.


⇒ With SISU spirit, you dare to take risks. You are willing to try new things and put yourself in new situations. People with SISU don't fear taking calculated risks. And they balance emotion with logic in their decision-making.


SISU helps you to finish what you start. It helps you to move forward in small, manageable steps. SISU gives you the skills and coping methods to handle setbacks. It helps you to keep going, no matter how hard it gets. So slowly bring out the SISU in you! You are capable of handling far more than you realise.


SISU helps you to be yourself and accept yourself as you really are. With SISU, you are able to make meaningful changes in your own life.


SISU helps you to find humour even in the darkest, most trying situations. When you have SISU, anything is possible. 


And lastly...


SISU is within reach of everyone – it’s not just a Finnish thing. SISU gives you the ability to deal with difficult or challenging life experiences. It helps you to become much more resilient.


I grew up with SISU – for me, it’s a way of life.


Why don’t YOU add some SISU into your life too?



Not sure where to start? Get in touch today.