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The Power of Self-Reflection

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


Many of us are too busy to slow down. There just seems to be too much to do. We hurry, rush, run and race through life. And we are surrounded by digital distractions, ranging from TV shows and video games to smartphones and social media. We have so many ways to connect with people, yet we seem more disconnected than ever – from others and ourselves!


But the coronavirus has changed the way we live our lives. It has forced us to pause and re-consider our priorities. It has given us an opportunity to self-reflect.


Do you want to know why you do the things you do?


Self-reflection is a great way to improve your overall life – both mentally and physically. You learn more about yourself… your needs, desires, habits, actions, feelings, beliefs, attitudes. It’s a great process to improve your understanding of who you are, where you come from, and why you act the way you do.


Self-reflection should be an ongoing process, not a “one-off” activity. It’s a skill and not an easy thing for many people to do. But with regular practise, it will become easier. Over time, you will develop greater self-awareness and improve your relations with those around you.


Why self-awareness matters?


Without self-awareness, you can easily become stuck in toxic or unhealthy patterns, making the same mistakes, over and over again. Without self-knowledge, there can be no personal growth.


Self-awareness comes through experience AND reflection – reflection on your personal experiences.


I encourage you to take a few moments to reflect on the things you have learned in the past few months. Be open and honest – but gentle with yourself as you self-reflect. Healthy self-reflection is NOT ruminating and self-blaming.


Ready to give it a try?


Here are some tips to help you get started:


♦ Reflect on your experiences – Do I take things for granted?”

♦ Reflect on your relationships – Am I putting enough effort into my relationships?”

♦ Reflect on your encounters – “Have I made someone happy this week?”

♦ Reflect on your work – Am I enjoying my work?”

♦ Reflect on your fears – When was the last time I stepped out of my comfort zone?”

♦ Reflect on your successes – "What am I most proud of?"

♦ Reflect on your struggles – What am I doing that’s slowing me down?”

♦ Reflect on your finances – Have I learned to be more mindful about my spending?”

♦ Reflect on your skills – What are my greatest strengths?”

♦ Reflect on your self-careDid I find new ways to manage stress, worry and anxiety?”


So, what have you learned about yourself during the pandemic?


And how can you use the lessons of the last few months to rebalance your life?



A quote to think about...


“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.“ Aristotle