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Are You an Interesting Person?

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


More and more, we are being pressured to fit into a “box”. We are expected to look or act in certain ways. There’s increasing pressure to blend in with others.


But some people do things in their own unique ways. They don’t try to replicate what others do.


They are so INTERESTING that people from all walks of life are drawn to them!!!


Have you ever been around someone who was so interesting you wanted to spend more time with them to know more?


I sure have. In my role as a wellbeing professional, I meet interesting individuals every day. But often, they think they are just... plain boring.


Well, I try and prove them wrong. I make an effort to find out what makes them interesting. Because they already are interesting and fascinating in some unique ways. They all have perspectives and experiences that make them interesting. Unfortunately, many are too afraid to share them with others. I’ve seen this time and time again.


But let me tell you something, anyone can learn to be a more interesting person. Being interesting really matters. It’s a huge advantage at work and in life. And you don’t have to be well-known to be interesting – you can just be YOU.


These 5 strategies will help you grow into a more interesting and stimulating person:


  • Try and see the world from different perspectives. Learn something new. Interesting people are always learning. Read a lot – books, blogs, articles, newspapers, magazines. Reading also improves your vocabulary. Listen to podcasts. You hear meaningful stories and get inspiring ideas. Feed your mind with something that is going to benefit you. Become a lifelong learner. The more knowledge you acquire, the more interesting things you’ll have to say.


  • Don't hide your uniqueness. Standing out from others makes you more interesting. And it boosts your confidence too. Each of us is unique. Interesting people go against the grain, and that makes them interesting. They are incredibly passionate about life, in their own unique ways. So don't pretend to be someone you're not. Instead, embrace your quirky side.


  • Be genuinely interested in others. When people feel you are interested in them, they are interested in you. Are you a good listener? Do you show interest in the person you are talking to? If not, perhaps you need to improve your active listening skills. Be down to earth and leave your ego behind. Interesting people have balanced conversations. It isn’t just about being a good talker, but also about being a good listener.


  • Words are powerful but don’t forget your tone of voice and body language. Nonverbal communication is so important. Create energy and excitement when you speak. Use a lively and expressive voice. Be passionate. Smile. Gesture. Radiate joy and enthusiasm. People tend to be attracted to those who radiate positivity.


  • Share your knowledge. No one will know how interesting you are unless you share something about yourself. By sharing your knowledge with others, you will become more interesting as you help others improve their lives. Share your unique insights and personal stories. Stories that people can relate to are very powerful.


So, do you consider yourself interesting?

If not, pick some of the tips above and start practising.


You need to put some work into it!


Until next time…


Take care!!