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Power Up Your Intuitive Intelligence

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


When you make a decision, do you carefully analyse the problem and rely on hard evidence? What if you don’t have time to engage in conscious contemplation and analysis, especially in highly stressful or uncertain circumstances?

Do you trust your intuition?

First of all, what is the difference between rational and intuitive decision-making?

Rational decision-making is analytical, deliberate and based on facts. It is a way to make decisions in a thorough and systematic manner. Intuitive decision-making, on the other hand, can be described as “knowing something without knowing how you know it”. It is the ability to instinctively know something without evidence or conscious reasoning. It is fast, less structured and more fluid compared to rational decision-making.

Ever found yourself in a situation where something looked fine on the surface but, for whatever reason, just didn’t feel right? Perhaps you took on a job that looked really great on paper, only to find a month or two later that it wasn’t the right fit. If so, you are not alone. Most of us have disregarded our intuitive voice… that little whisper inside telling us, “Something about this isn’t right” and later regretted our decision.

Over the years, I have learned to pay close attention to my intuition or “gut feeling”. I have worked in complex and unpredictable environments including, prisons, detention centres and psychiatric facilities. Often, a strong and uneasy feeling warned me not to be around a person or potentially dangerous situation. And I’m not the only one who trusts her gut instinct. Police officers, fire fighters, nurses and prison staff frequently make “intuitive” decisions, especially in intense or life-threatening circumstances. Additionally, many great leaders, entrepreneurs and athletes rely on intuition to make smarter decisions.

How does intuition work?

There are many theories, views and models but personally, the fact that it works is more important than how or why it works. I also believe that rationality and intuition should not be viewed as opposites. The two different styles are complementary, and both can play important roles in decision-making.

Intuition can be used in all kinds of situations:


  • Intuition can help you to quickly assess a person accurately. It can help you decide when to trust someone – and who to avoid!


  • Intuition can help you to make difficult decisions. “Should I stay in an unhappy marriage” or “Should I leave an unfulfilling job?”


  • Intuition can help you to avoid trouble or dangerous situations


  • Intuition can lead to powerful creative insights


  • Intuition can help managers to make better decisions when facing complicated challenges


  • Intuition can contribute to your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. If you learn to listen to your body, it will guide you to a more balanced lifestyle


Clearly, there are many benefits of trusting your intuition. And in many cases, intuition can guide you to more accurate decisions, especially in difficult circumstances.

Learning to trust your intuition takes time and practise. But the more you use your intuition, the stronger it will get.

So, what is your intuition telling you right now?


Pay more attention to that little whisper - it is there for a reason!!!