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Is it Time to Move On?

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


Do you feel like your life is going nowhere? 


Are you doing the same old, same old… just existing and going from one day to the next?


Whether it’s a job, a relationship, a family situation, an unhealthy habit or even self-limiting beliefs, should you just keep trying and waiting for things to change? Or is it time to move on? 


It’s good to have routine, stability and security in our lives but we need to integrate variety into our existence too. And change is an inevitable part of life, whether expected or unexpected.


As human beings, we go through transitions and milestones that trigger change. Some life transitions are harder than others. But transitions can provide opportunities for personal growth, increased self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment.


I’ve met a lot of unhappy people over the years. “There’s got to be more to life than this”, they say. Doing the same thing over and over, day after day, year after year, gets monotonous.


We need to recognise when routine is no longer serving us.


But what are the signs that indicate it may be time for the next chapter in life?


For me, routine is like prison. A sense of confinement. I feel restless. I’m not learning anything new anymore. Perhaps I’ve outgrown a role or a situation. I pay attention to my emotions. My intuition is telling me it’s time for change. It’s a strong feeling that comes from deep within. 


So, what do I do?


Before jumping into action, I take some time to reflect on my life to determine what’s working and what’s not. I don’t rush into things. This helps me to figure out my next move. My aim is to find the right balance between routine and variety. But it's so important for me to reinvent myself on a regular basis. 


Are you experiencing a lack of purpose or direction?


It’s never too late  to start a new chapter in your life!


Eila Mikkonen

Counsellor, Clinical Supervisor, Coach & Mental Fitness Facilitator