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Simplicity is Not Stupidity

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


People tend to overcomplicate just about everything in their lives including work, finances, relationships, parenting, diet, hobbies, routines… and the list goes on. 


And when it comes to self-care, people complicate that too!!!


They “overplan” and try to do everything including gym, running, yoga, meditation, spa sessions, and exotic holidays. They buy expensive products and equipment or engage in time consuming activities that end up bringing more stress into their lives.


Marketers in the health and wellness industry use complicated and technical language, “jargon”, to sell and impress rather than to inform consumers. Jargon and fancy words sound more important or intelligent.


People often associate complexity with expertise and quality. Many believe that complex solutions are better than simple ones. They think that the more choices they have, the happier they are. But this isn’t always the case. In fact, it’s often the complete opposite.


Choice overload makes it harder to make good decisions about our wellbeing. Having too many options can lead to stress, anxiety, and decision fatigue. It takes so much mental energy to try and decide which option is the best.


While there’s nothing wrong with wellness retreats or expensive products, self-care is more than just buying things.


There’s a great need for simplicity in our lives.


Simplicity brings inner clarity and a sense of calm. Many studies have shown the link between simplicity and improved mental and emotional wellbeing.


How to embrace simplicity in your life? 


You don’t need to be constantly spending money to improve your wellbeing. You don’t need to engage in costly and time-consuming activities. There are so many free or low-cost options available making it easier to incorporate REGULAR self-care into your life. Not every now and then, or when you are already experiencing burnout. Self-care is most effective when it’s done as a preventative measure. 


But first, step back a little and reflect on your life and wellbeing. Re-think your self-care. Ask yourself, “Do I overcomplicate this?”, “How could I simplify this?” or “Is there something in my life I could simplify RIGHT NOW?


Self-care is about shifting your focus from quantity to quality.


Of course, simplifying our lives is not always an easy process. But it’s an important one. Don’t try and do everything… just focusing on one or two things at a time can make an enormous difference to your wellbeing. Try and take care of yourself holistically, nurturing not only your body, but the mind and soul as well. Don’t try and keep up with the latest trends or follow what everyone else is doing.


Yes, we often have complexity in our lives. But the key is to find a balance between complexity and simplicity. They are NOT in conflict with each other. When we see the complexity and then make sense of it in a simple way, life becomes much easier. There’s no need to tie yourself in knots about self-care!!! 


As a big fan of Stoic, Confucian and other ancient perspectives, I’ll leave you with a beautiful quote...


“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” Confucius



Eila Mikkonen

Counsellor, Clinical Supervisor, Coach & Mental Fitness Facilitator