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The Power of Perception

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


Job interview, important presentation, meeting new people or being in a large crowd.


In these situations, are you scared? Or are you excited?


It’s normal to experience fear, doubt, and nervousness when faced with a stressful situation. There’s nothing wrong with being afraid. And a healthy level of fear keeps us safe from danger and harmful situations.


But some people react to everything with fear. They avoid situations they are scared of.  As a therapist, I know that running away from our fears only makes them worse.


Interestingly, fear and excitement share similar physiological responses in our body such as increased heart rate, sweating, rapid breathing, tense muscles, and butterflies in the stomach. The key difference between the two is how the brain perceives these responses. And this can have a big impact on our emotions. They can be interpreted as either fear or excitement. For example, a job interview can be terrifying (FEAR) or an opportunity to showcase our skills (EXCITEMENT).


Is it possible to transform fear into excitement?


Over the years, I have been using a simple way to reframe stress as excitement. When I’m about to be in a high-pressure situation, I tell myself, “I’m EXCITED” or “this is EXCITING”. Instantly, I feel my energy shifts from fear to enthusiasm. I’m tricking – or reprogramming – my brain into thinking I’m excited rather than terrified. I’m not ignoring my uncomfortable feelings and emotions. Instead, I’m purposefully transforming them into a positive experience. At the same time, I'm raising my vibration to higher and healthier level. As quantum physics tells us, everything is energy  including humans so higher vibration equals greater physical and emotional wellbeing.


Fear really feels the same as excitement!


Of course, if fear becomes extreme and debilitating, deeper exploration of past experiences with a trained therapist would be important. Excessive or irrational fears are often connected to traumatic events and manifest physically, emotionally and psychologically.


The next time you’re about to go into a fearful or anxiety provoking situation, say out loud, “I’m EXCITED”.


Although this may not come naturally, through ongoing practice, it can change the way you think, feel and act. Just keep telling yourself you’re exited. Why don't you give it a try? It’s a very powerful strategy for personal and professional growth. 


You too CAN choose excitement over fear!!!


Eila Mikkonen

Counsellor, Clinical Supervisor & Mental Fitness Facilitator