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Find Your Inner SISU During Lockdown

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


Now more than ever, it’s crucial that you take time to actively manage your wellbeing. Every day we are bombarded with negative news, and this can lead to a wide range of feelings and emotions including stress, sadness, anxiety and anger.

One way of getting through these challenging times is to find your inner sisu (pronounced “see-su”). Sisu is a unique Finnish concept of inner strength, resilience, determination and courage.

The world can be harsh, cruel and unforgiving. We all experience obstacles and I’m no stranger to setbacks and adversity.  My own resilience has been tested over the years as I have negotiated my way through this thing called LIFE.  

As a Finn who grew up with sisu and then travelled and lived in different countries, I have often relied on sisu in many personal and work situations. It hasn’t been easy but sisu has kept me going. I have learned how to turn challenges – and failures – into opportunities for personal growth. Now again, in these uncertain times, I’m tapping into my inner sisu. It’s in my Finnish DNA.

Although a Finnish concept, anyone can embrace sisu and start channelling their inner strength to deal with tough situations. I’m always inspired when I encounter people who have experienced significant life challenges but have not developed a victim mentality. I have met people who, despite horrendous circumstances, have not crumbled. Their lives have been shattered - but they have refused to give up. They set a brilliant example for anyone going through tough times. They have sisu!

And you can have sisu too. Here’s how to start:


S Shift your mindset. One of the first steps is to become aware of your thinking. If you tell yourself you can’t do something - you probably can’t. Instead of repeating, “I can’t do it” replace it with “I can try." It’s not possible to feel optimistic all the time but reframing unhelpful thoughts can really help you to put things into perspective. So, shift your focus on what’s going right, not what’s going wrong.


I Integrate sisu into your daily life. Challenge yourself regularly. You need to get out of your comfort zone. Do things that make you a little uncomfortable. Don’t set the bar too high. Start small and you are more likely to keep it up. Go for a walk even if it’s wet and windy. Being out in nature is a great stress reliever too. Taking the first step is always the hardest but you will build up sisu over time. I remember cycling to work regularly although it was minus 15 degrees Celsius!


S – Simplify your life. Too much clutter can make you feel physically and emotionally drained. Let go of what you don’t need. This goes for every aspect of your life - physical, mental and emotional. Stop wanting more. Focus on quality rather than quantity. Start appreciating the simple things in life and take nothing for granted. And live within your means. Ask yourself, "Do I REALLY need to buy takeaway again, or can I have a home-cooked meal instead?"


U – Understand yourself. Without self-knowledge, everything in life becomes harder. Start by slowing down. There are many ways to slow down. Go outside and look at the stars. Unplug from technology and sit in silence for a minute or two. Or just sit and look out the window. When you slow down physically, you also slow down mentally. Take time to reflect on life. Self-reflection is a priority in my own life. I often reflect on my past – it gives me the space and time to see just how far I have come in life. So, why not take advantage of this period of confinement to become more aware of YOUR true potential?


Of course, it’s all about BALANCE. The key to mental fitness - and sisu - is having a balanced mindset. Balance in your work, your relationships, your diet, your exercise, your sleep, your emotions. It’s important to balance all the different aspects of your life. When you feel balanced, you feel more powerful.


Now is the time to find your inner strength – your sisu!


Would you like to learn more about sisu? Get in touch today.