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The Power of Perseverance

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


Does it feel like the light at the end of the Covid-19 tunnel has been switched off? Constant stream of alarming news, yet another outbreak, tighter restrictions looming… We brace ourselves, wondering, “Is there more?”

We don’t know what else is coming and the uncertainty is overwhelming for many. When life seems to be taking everything away from us, we need… PERSEVERANCE.

During my long career as a human services professional, I have seen firsthand how people who demonstrate high levels of perseverance usually handle significant - often repeated - setbacks better than others. Time and time again, I have seen how mentally strong people persevere through tough times.

Of course, persevering is not easy, especially in the fast paced, instant gratification world we live in today. We expect instant reward, instant comfort, instant pleasure, instant delivery, instant answer – we want it… and we want it NOW!!!

Too often, we experience a setback  – and stop dead in our tracks. We don't want to be stretched physically, emotionally, financially, socially or spiritually. Anything uncomfortable or unfamiliar, and we throw in the towel and call it quits!

Fortunately, perseverance is something we can all cultivate, even during these incredibly challenging times. It’s a quality that will serve us well.

I see inspiring examples of perseverance everywhere;


PERSEVERANCE… in relationships

PERSEVERANCE… in adversity


PERSEVERANCE… in business

PERSEVERANCE… in failure



And last but not least…

PERSEVERANCE…in my incredibly courageous, determined and resilient mother


Now, what about you? Are you someone who perseveres despite the fear and uncertainty?

If not, now is a great time to take action.

You never know, you might even become a role-model of perseverance for others too.


Until next time…


“It does not matter what you bear, but how you bear it.” Seneca