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How Happy are You?

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


Is it possible to measure happiness? And what is happiness anyway?


The way we feel happiness is very subjective, depending on our own ability to live healthy, fulfilling and meaningful lives. Happiness it never a permanent state and it’s important to accept negative feelings as a normal part of life.


But happiness can be found even in the darkest of times… and in the coldest of countries.


According to the 2022 World Happiness Report, Finland has been named the happiest country in the world – for the fifth year in a row.


I was born and grew up in Finland. For me, happiness is a combination of optimism, realism, SISU and...


a healthy dose of nature!


Growing evidence suggests that there is a link between happiness and nature.


Like many other Finns, I developed a very strong connection with nature. As a child, I loved exploring my surroundings with my siblings. Playing in the forest, cross-country skiing, ice-fishing on frozen lakes, swimming in rivers and picking berries and mushrooms. Nature provided many learning opportunities for problem-solving, risk taking, observation, creativity and self-mastery. The chance to see wild animals from squirrels and birds to foxes and elks in their natural settings was exciting and we spent hours and hours outdoors, in any weather, discovering new places and searching for our next encounter with a wild creature.


Over the years, I have maintained my connection with nature. I know for sure, that my overall wellbeing – and happiness – are correlated to spending time in the natural world. I often combine physical exercise with mindfulness activities. During a brisk walk, I use my senses to see, hear and feel the world around me. I notice a brilliant red flower or a spider's web in the early morning mist. I hear the wind in the trees and feel the ground under my feet. I pause and breathe in the fresh air.

This is a great way to exercise the body and free the mind from distracting thoughts.


Image by Lea Mikkonen


Research shows, time and time again, that spending time in natural settings improves our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. From reduced stress, anger and anxiety to improved mood, vitality and psychological wellbeing. We humans are part of nature… and nature is a powerful healer.


It feels good being in nature and it’s something we have been doing for centuries. Regrettably, many of us – especially children – spend way too much time in front of screens. Yes, we need technology in our daily lives, but are we losing our connection with nature, both physically and psychologically?


I encourage you to take a step out of your daily routine and connect with the natural world, as often as you can. Even simple things like sitting on your balcony, walking in your backyard, putting a plant in your room or just looking at trees through your window can improve your wellbeing.


Image by Lea Mikkonen


Connecting to everyday natural environment is always available to us. I guarantee, the more time you spend in nature, the more refreshed and balanced you will feel.


Don’t underestimate the healing power of nature!


Eila Mikkonen

Counsellor, Coach & Mental Fitness Facilitator