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The Art of Problem Solving

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


As a mental health professional, I often see clients who are SO immersed in their problems that they can’t see any solutions to their challenges. They feel helpless and overwhelmed. They feel like they have no options.


Many of us try to get through difficult situations alone or hope that the problems will go away. Sometimes, it’s easier to turn to unhealthy coping strategies like drinking, taking drugs, gambling or comfort-eating.


It's a theme I see all too often!


We are reluctant to seek help, but there are times when talking to a professional can help to deal with stress, anxiety, depression, conflict, toxic relationships and many other issues. Opening up and talking about our internal struggles can be really helpful. Just verbalising what we are experiencing gives us clarity and the problem becomes more manageable. Additionally, it helps us externalise – rather than internalise – stress, anxiety and other difficult emotions. This can lead to positive changes in behaviour, attitudes and relationships.


Sometimes words can’t fully express our problems, issues or feelings, particularly if they are linked to a traumatic event. In my work, I often encourage clients to use a variety of strategies to express their inner world and clarify thinking – and many of them, I use myself.


Non-verbal, expressive techniques such as writing, drawing, photography, craft, music or movement are great ways to re-direct attention away from the problem and stimulate the mind in a different way.


This might sound odd, but simply engaging in creative activity helps us to see the problem from a different, more constructive perspective.


One great way to manage stress, clear your mind and come up with better solutions is MIND MAPPING!


MIND MAPPING is a visual and creative way to represent ideas and concepts. Information is converted into a diagram full of images, symbols and lines that branch out from a central topic or idea. This technique was developed by Tony Buzan and there are many excellent books, articles and free online MIND MAPPING software available on the internet.


I think technology is great, but hand-drawn MIND MAPS engage all senses and provide mind-body connection that is difficult to achieve using computers.


So, if you are feeling anxious, stressed or overwhelmed, create a MIND MAP to organise your thoughts, gain clarity and make better decisions.


Start with a key word or central theme like “stress”. Then, add associated words and ideas which branch out from the central theme for example,  “work”, “family”, “health”, “balance”... Keep developing these related subtopics around the central theme, connecting these ideas together with lines. The tree-like branches expand and grow as you develop your ideas. Use short words and add colour to label different subtopics.


Importantly, try not to overthink this process. Keep it simple!


As you create your MIND MAP, you are in a more relaxed mental state… and more likely to come up with potential solutions to stress-causing issues.


MIND MAPPING can be used for many different purposes in professional, personal or educational situations.


Have you tried this technique before?


If not, just pick one topic or idea and start!


Eila Mikkonen

Counsellor, Coach & Mental Fitness Facilitator