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How’s Your SISU?

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


Do you ever feel like you can’t take it anymore? Motivation dwindling, just trying to get through each day stuck at home and wondering what the future holds in the post-pandemic world. You might be experiencing a wide range of thoughts, feelings and reactions that can be confusing, frightening and overwhelming.

But I have a message for you – you are far more resilient than you think you are. You have more sisu than you realise.

If in doubt, look at your own past and reflect on how you managed to get through tough times. Think about the times when you thought you couldn't go on. But somehow you did. Debilitating illness or injury, unemployment, relationship breakdown, natural disaster or other painful life event… I’m sure you have been tested in one way or another.

Yes, difficult situations test our mental toughness. But often, we don’t realise how strong we are until we have to dig deep to keep going. Now, more than ever, we need to find our inner strength and resilience – we need to find our sisu.

What have you learned about yourself during the coronavirus pandemic? Do you think you have changed over the last several months? What has worked, what hasn’t worked and what you have learned along the way. Now is a good time to reflect on your progress – and celebrate how far you have come.

 You demonstrated sisu mindset when…


  • You didn’t give up
  • You replaced worrying with problem-solving approach
  • You didn’t complain too much
  • You were able to let go of things you couldn’t control
  • You learned to be more patient
  • You found the humour in rough situations
  • You implemented self-care activities into your daily routine
  • You tried new things that challenged you
  • You learned to appreciate the simple things
  • You learned to slow down
  • You knew when to ask for help


Yes, the future may be uncertain, but don’t underestimate how resilient and capable you actually are.

And sisu will give you that extra mental strength you need to push through obstacles!!!