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Managers - Your Words Matter!

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


Words are more powerful than we realise.


They can encourage and inspire. They can empower and energise. But they can also hurt and cause harm. Even a brief interaction can change the way people see us. We all have the power to set the tone of our words before we speak. Managers particularly need to be mindful of what they say and how they say things.


But being a manager is a complex task. You need an extensive set of skills from planning and organising to leading and communicating. Effective managers combine their management skills with strong communication skills. And they recognise the impact of their words. They use words that bring out the best in others. They tailor their language to suit the situation. During times of disruption and uncertainty, words can carry incredible power.


A boss who is rude or disrespectful to his staff in the morning can set a negative tone for the entire day. An upbeat, cheerful and optimistic greeting on the other hand, has the power to inspire the team and create a culture of success – even when the going gets tough.


Words have power and their influence is enormous!


Have YOU thought about the words you use in your personal and professional life? If not, try the following exercise for a week or two to get more insight into your communication style:


  • First, closely monitor your inner dialogue. Really notice what you’re saying to yourself. What type of words you are using? Positive or negative? Notice the effect they have on you. Are you supportive of yourself? How often do you find yourself saying, “I don’t think I’m smart enough” or “I’ll never be successful?” It is very difficult to use positive words if you have a negative internal voice.


  • Once you have become more aware of your self-talk, monitor the words you use in conversations with others. Do they motivate and inspire? Are they respectful? Notice the effect they have on other people. The words reflect the person you are.


  • As a manager, you are constantly communicating. Whether it’s a presentation, a conversation, an interview or an email, your words have the power to motivate your team into action. Your leadership language can make or break the team.


Don’t underestimate the power of your words.


Your words matter – now more than ever!