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Think You Can't Make a Difference?

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” Dalai Lama


What a wonderful and funny reminder that each of us can have an impact on the world around us. And I couldn’t agree more. Anyone, anywhere can make a difference.


YOU too can make a positive difference in the world in your own unique way. Don’t underestimate the power of a kind word or the smallest act of kindness. Even a small compliment goes a long way. It can lift moods and even change a life. You never know the extent of your influence.


Always try to make a difference, no matter how small.


Here's some inspiration:


  • Write a “thank-you” note:  There are many people working hard on the front lines including healthcare workers, first responders and other essential employees such as truck drivers and postal services workers. Why don’t you leave a kind note for your postie, thanking them for continuing to deliver mail during these stressful times? It's such a simple thing to do and will surely brighten up their day.


  • Donate your time, skills or experience: Got some talent? Do you know how to sew, cook or write great resumes? You could take a couple of hours to share your skills with others. Try virtual volunteering, where you can donate your skills and experience from anywhere in the world.


  • Adopt a neighbour: Do you have someone on your street who might need a little extra help from time to time? Perhaps the elderly lady next door who lives alone. Or the single parent down the road with a serious illness. Offer to go shopping for groceries or mow the lawn. Sometimes, all that's needed is a listening ear. Loneliness and isolation are common problems.


  • Say “hello”: Be a friendly face, smile and say hello. By sharing a smile and a kind word, you are lifting up others. Something so simple can go such a long way. So, just smile and try saying “hello” to five strangers this week. It doesn’t cost you anything.


  • Remember names: Remembering people’s names is one of the simplest ways to make them feel valued. We ALL want to feel that we matter. When you remember someone’s name, it shows that you care.


  • Give a compliment: Want an easy way to brighten someone’s day? Give them a genuine compliment, "You're always so positive” or “You're a great example to others.” Compliments are very powerful. Even a small compliment or acknowledgement can make someone’s entire week.


  • Pass goodness along: When someone does something nice for you, do something nice for someone else. Goodness is contagious. Pass it on!!!


So, do you still think you are too small to make a difference?


Think again!!!