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If I Had a Magic Wand

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


Wouldn’t it be nice to have a magic wand? 


Imagine just waving the magic wand to make your life perfect and have all the things you desire.


As a wellbeing professional, I help people live more meaningful lives. But I’m not a magician with a wand that can make problems instantly disappear. Ultimately, people need to do their own inner work.


While there is no magic wand that can remove all the stress from your life, there is something you can do.


YOU can be a human magic wand… a magic wand of kindness and compassion.


Many studies have shown that being kind to others can have a positive impact on our own mental and emotional wellbeing. When we practise compassion and kindness, we begin to shift our focus from negative thoughts and emotions to more positive ones. 


By helping others, we are actually helping ourselves. We feel good. It’s a WIN-WIN situation. Additionally, we are more likely to show kindness, compassion and understanding towards ourselves.


The world can be harsh. It’s so easy to get caught up in our own worries. Do you remember the last time someone was kind to you? How did that make you feel? Perhaps someone said or did something that made you feel good about yourself.


So, I encourage you to wave your magic wand of kindness and compassion. Radiate and channel your inner magic.


Be a walking magic wand!!!


Eila Mikkonen

Counsellor, Coach & Mental Fitness Facilitator