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Power of Words

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


Did you know that all things resonate at certain frequencies. People, places, thoughts, sounds, things and… words. Everything is vibrational energy. It’s a scientific fact.


High vibrational energy is associated with positive emotions such as joy, happiness, contentment, excitement, and compassion. Low vibrational energy is associated with negative emotions such as sadness, shame, guilt, anger, and fear.


The words you speak – and think – have vibrational frequencies that match your vibrational frequency. When something vibrates at a higher frequency, it feels light and positive. When something vibrates at a lower frequency, it feels heavy and dark.


Words can be encouraging and uplifting or hurtful and destructive. Every time you say a word, an energy comes up with it.


Just say the words “LOVE” and “HATE”, and you get two very different sensations … positive or negative.


In other words, you F-E-E-L the difference between the two words. Some words make you feel good, while others do the opposite.


The words of others can easily affect our vibration. Just spend a few minutes with someone who frequently complains and notice what happens. You get sucked into their doom and gloom. You start to take on their negative “vibe"...and words. You start to use negative language. Notice how you feel immediately after. Emotionally drained? Irritable?  And if you are not careful, negative mindset will soon become a reality for you too.  


Words do matter!!!


Ready to raise the vibration of your words?


  • Start by becoming more aware. Be an observer and examine the words you use. Identify words or phrases you frequently use that have low vibrational energy such as “shouldn’t”, “can’t”, “I’m useless” or “I’m so unlucky”. Words are powerful indicators of your underlying beliefs.


  • Do you often complain or speak about others in a disrespectful way? This lowers your vibrational frequency. When you are tempted to say something unkind, pause. Be mindful of how you speak of others. Other people are your mirror. When you speak negatively of others, you are feeling negative about yourself. Your words reveal your character and general outlook on life.


  • Parents, pay attention to how you speak to your children. Do you use words as weapons? Do you shout and criticise? Consider the language you use in front of your children. They observe and pick up behaviours from parents. They imitate and start to speak like you. If you don’t set a good example for your children, this can lead to self-esteem and confidence issues.


  • Write inspirational and uplifting words on sticky notes and place them around your home.… bathroom mirror, computer screen, fridge door… put them places where you can see them often.


  • Make a conscious effort to choose your words wisely. Use positive and encouraging words and sentences. Speak kindly to yourself and others. Replace negative words with positive ones. You’ll soon start to see a shift in your energy and in the way you feel. And others will notice this shift too. They’ll feel uplifted by your presence and want to be around you.


  • I encourage you to pay close attention to the words you speak for a week, or even for a day. Both, in your personal and professional lives.


The words you say aloud or repeat in your mind have tremendous power.


So, words aren’t just words.


Are you ready to improve your wellbeing on a daily basis, just by changing the words you use?


Eila Mikkonen

Counsellor, Coach & Mental Fitness Facilitator