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The Road Less Travelled – Don’t Take the Easy Way

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


I have worked with so many individuals over the years who are afraid of CHANGE.


Why do we fear change?


Because change is uncertain and risky. Not knowing what will happen creates uncomfortable feelings and triggers fear… fear of the unknown. It’s human nature to fear change. It’s natural to be afraid of going down a different path or implementing something new. But fear of change can stop us from taking action. We want to feel safe and in control, so we remain in our comfort zone, even if this means staying in an unfulfilling relationship, a miserable job or trapped in some other unhappy situation.


Perhaps you are standing at the crossroads, wondering which path to take. One path looks struggle-free and welcoming, the other looks long and difficult to get through.


Are you “set in your ways” and take the easy road – the path of least resistance? Do you instinctively gravitate back to what you know? Do you allow fear to stop you from growing and changing for the better?


Or are willing to take the unfamiliar – and often frightening – path?


Life is a journey, and many will take the easy road. But you'll never know what you are capable of until you push yourself and start carving your own path. Challenges and discomfort make you more flexible and resilient.


And you start to develop sisu too!


Remember to be patient and move forward in small, manageable steps. Your mindset took years to develop so change won’t happen overnight. It may be used all the time but the old adage “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” is so true here.


How do YOU feel about change? Do you resist or embrace it?


A quote to think about...


“The only thing that is constant is change.” Heraclitus


I couldn’t agree more!!!


Are YOU ready to take the road less travelled?