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Want to Achieve Your Dreams?

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


Keep your head in the clouds… but your feet firmly on the ground!


You may have heard this old saying before but what does it actually mean?


People often share their deepest hopes and dreams with me – get a new job, start a business, invent something, find that special someone, pay off debt, write a bestselling book, get married, stop using drugs, buy a dream home, and many more. As a counsellor, it is rewarding to see people imagine new possibilities for themselves. Unfortunately, some give up on their dreams far too soon. They fail once, and never try again. They come up with all kinds of excuses, “I don’t know if I will succeed”, “I don’t have enough time” or “I’m not talented or good enough.”


What happened to their dreams?


We all have dreams. But unless we stay grounded and plan realistically, those dreams will only ever be… dreams. How can we stay grounded AND turn our dreams into reality?


Balance is the key!!!


Finding a healthy balance between dreams and reality is vital.


I'm a dreamer, always have been and always will be. But dreaming needs to be followed by action. So, I start with a dream, a goal or a vision. Then, I break it down into small steps, more manageable parts. I plan. I think. I read. I know my strengths and areas for improvement. Self-awareness is important. I reflect on how things are going. I'm flexible and consider alternative strategies. I enjoy and celebrate small wins along the way. I practise “big picture” thinking without forgetting the smaller details. And I’m comfortable with the unknown.


What are YOUR hopes? Your dreams? What do you want to achieve in the next few months or the next few years? Perhaps the coronavirus pandemic has forced you to rethink your future goals. Not sure?  It’s never too late to start dreaming again.


I encourage you to dream. But keep your feet on the ground by coming up with thoughtful, conscious steps to move forward with your dreams.


It’s important to find the balance between “dreaming” and “doing”.


So, dream BIG... and start small!!!