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Why Are the Finns So Happy?

Posted By Eila Mikkonen  


According to the 2021 World Happiness Report, Finland is the happiest country in the world for the fourth year in a row – even during the pandemic.


Of course, people have been suffering in Finland too. But overall, the Finns have shown a lot of resilience in the face of adversity.


What is the secret behind Finland’s success?


Finland is widely considered as safe, stable, clean, socially progressive, gender equal and has one of the best education systems in the world.


But could it be something else… like sauna, rye bread, salmiakki (salty liquorice), Santa, northern lights, midnight sun… all very Finnish things!


Or could it be something to do with sisu – a unique Finnish concept of resilience, perseverance and courage.


I was born and grew up in Finland and, like many other Finns, developed this mindset of never giving up. My parents instilled sisu in me. I look back and see how sisu has given me the drive to get through tough times.




I simplify –

As the old saying goes “less is more “so I embrace minimalism and often ask myself, “How much do I actually need?”


I try and make the best out of any situation –

Yes, sometimes the going gets tough and it’s easy to get caught up in the bad things that happen to us. But we all have the free will to choose our perspective. So, I choose to be flexible, remain optimistic and see challenges as opportunities instead of setbacks.


I go outdoors –

The Finns have a very strong connection with nature and enjoy fresh air, no matter what the weather. I spend time outside, walk and watch the birds or soak up the blue sky.  Sometimes I just sit quietly surrounded by nature. It’s great for my physical and wellbeing.


I enjoy spending quality time alone on a daily basis –

Even if only for 10-15 minutes. This time alone gives me a chance to stop and think about the things that really matter.


I keep learning –

I'm a strong believer in lifelong learning and there are so many opportunities to learn something new every single day. I often challenge myself to try new experiences or do things differently.



I’m sure sisu traits have helped people in Finland to cope with the coronavirus crisis and stay optimistic in these challenging times.


You too can become more resilient. You too can learn to manage stress and uncertainty – the Finnish way, with sisu. And the great thing about sisu is that it can be developed anywhere.


So, start incorporating some sisu into your daily life. But start small. Rather than making big changes, make tiny adjustments to slowly bring out the Sisu in you.


And remember…


With sisu mindset, you can do anything!!!