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Writing for Wellbeing

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  I have always loved writing. At school, I used to get great marks for my essays. I came up with stories full of fantasy and magical characters. Stories about stray cats and...

The Power of Perception

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  Job interview, important presentation, meeting new people or being in a large crowd.   In these situations, are you scared? Or are you excited? ...

The Importance of Doing Nothing

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  What do you do when you have some downtime? Turn to your phone, check messages and mindlessly scroll through social media?   Or do you sit down and do...

Do You Have a Dark Side?

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  Of course you have. Just like the moon, we all have a dark side, or a “shadow” side.   What is our shadow side and how it can help us? &nb...

Harness the Power of Regret

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  If you look back at your life, what do you see?   Missed opportunities, unfulfilled dreams, failed relationships, things done or not done. ...

Addiction, Dreams and Nightmares

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  We often associate addiction with drugs, alcohol, or smoking. But addiction and addictive behaviours come in many forms.   Internet, phone, computer...

The Hidden Power of Colour

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  Did you know that colours can influence your mood, thoughts, feelings, and behaviour?    Colours have the power to calm, excite, energise,...

Simplicity is Not Stupidity

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  People tend to overcomplicate just about everything in their lives including work, finances, relationships, parenting, diet, hobbies, routines… and the list goes on. ...

In a Rush to Go Nowhere

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  Why are people in such a hurry?   Even when there’s no real urgency, people seem to be rushing. Yes, there may be occasions when we need to act fast....

Do You Have Strange Dreams?

Posted By Eila Mikkonen,
  I do… and I love them!   We all have strange, vivid and bizarre dreams that seem to make no sense. Everyone dreams but many struggle to remember them...